Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Afternoon Drive

Once upon day while exploring, we came upon this:

Someone was aspiring to build a castle!  I wonder if it will ever be finished.

I call this picture "Women in the Fields" because it's a picture of....
women in the fields! 

The kids go right along and the babies are tied to their backs with a blanket, always close to mama.

While exploring the neighborhoods surrounding our city, we came upon a little community called Barcelona.  It was so picture perfect with some more 'Faces of Ecuador' to add to my collection.

This man and his wife so graciously posed for a picture.  We would stayed and visited for a while but it was Sunday afternoon and we had to get back for services. 

And here is the Misses.  We found her a little further down the road.


Remember that I was telling you that I was amazed at how well the babies balance themselves on their mama's back when she is tying the blanket around them.  Well, Maria gave us a little demonstration after one of the services.  My excuse for the shaky video is that some of us just kept thinking we had to leap to the rescue to catch a falling baby.  Of course we didn't but that's why my camera is all over the place.


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