Friday, 22 February 2013

To Market To Market

There are many markets in town, but today is a look at the largest open market.
Feira Libre Mercado
We skipped the clothing and goods part of the market and took a walk through the sections of food.
Exotic fruits and vegetables are to be found here...

Rows and rows of meats...
and all manner of fish...
This food cart holds a little surprise underneath.
So we are never lacking for fresh fruits and vegetables.  Our landlady brings us bags of delicious limóns and the makings for horchata tea:  chamomile, mint, lemongrass and other herbs that I just can't recall the name of, from her property in the town of Yungilla.
Today from the market went home with some jumbo sized avocados, zuchini,
green onions, carrots and beets.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Raging Yunancay River and "El Gallo"

"El Gallo"
My latest pastel is of a pretty little rooster I spotted at the Coopera farm and resturant in San Joaquin.  By now, he might of already been someone's lunch, but here he is to stay on paper. 
He gave me one other fantastic pose that I will be working in the near future.
Raging Yunancay
It's been raining most of the week and the Yunancay has overflowed it's banks this morning. 
It's a sight to see and hear.  Too bad the pictures cannot convey the full experience.   
We live close to the fire department so to hear the sound of the sirens is a daily experience. 
 We've read that many of the calls come in because someone has fallen into the river. 

I'm not the only one taking pictures.
It's still raining.

When the river is high, that's when the nets come out.

Some closer shots..

 * * * * * * * *
I've always wondered what was in the big green pods, so we finally bought one for 50cents.
Once you break apart the pod, inside the seeds are surrounded by a furry white blanket. 
Between the seed and the blanket is a sweet gooey film. So you eat the little blanket with sweet stuff. 
  It's good, but too much work for me.....

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Hi all,

Well, I've been gone a long time.... my blog was being difficult with me and wouldn't let me upload pictures so I was giving it the cold shoulder.  But tonight I thought I'd give it a shot to see if it would cooperate and it has.

The month of January had it's challenges, as we finished up a semester of Spanish, a funeral to attend, and changes in the church services as we use the interperter less and less. 

We made another trip to the town of Suscal,
this time for the sad occasion of a funeral. 

The drive always has it's surprises with the weather
and now there is much road construction which means long delays throughout the mountain roads. 

 These travelers will have a long wait for a bus since the road is blocked at the previous town.
I can't believe that I got this picture. I was just snapping the camera as we drove through the construction zones and didn't realize that this little lady had been captured by the camera lens
until we got home.  She is beautiful!  I may attempt to portray her on canvas in the future.

The drive is still amazing.

View from the top of the Cemetery.
We spent a few hours there in the town with the family.
She was a believer, but leaves behind a young family who will miss her greatly.
On the way back home.