Sunday, 10 June 2012


June Fourteenth is Flag Day in the United States.

A very memorable day I am sure for all of you,
there is another very memorable
event that you may not be aware of. 
Some people...
who knew either one of us
 from way back when,
and know the stories of our lives 
might even go so far as to say..
 that it is...

a down right miracle!

And indeed it is.

25th Anniversary
June 14, 2012

I never imagined this day
would come to pass in the country of Ecuador.

So here we are, alive and still kicking,
5 sons and 4 grandsons later,
on a brand new adventure.

* * * *

Quote For the Day:  I finally got my head together,
and now my body is falling apart!

This is little Diego.
He just couldn't wait for the Pastor to hold one of his puppies.
So he hands him one and it promptly proceeded to squirt all over his shoes.  I remember the first time my hubby went to meet my parents, my Siberian did the same thing to him.   
I graciously declined the offer to hold any puppies.

Yesterday, June 9 was a bit of milestone.
Things are beginning to feel a little more like normal.
We had a knock on the door where stood an elderly lady from the complex and a woman that helps her around the house. Her key was stuck in the door and they were locked out of her apartment with food cooking on the stove.
The first person they said they could think of was the "Pastor".
He'll know what to do.  People call the Pastor, not only with the serious,
but with the little emergencies in life.  
It also brings to mind not only our sons calling Dad for some help in whatever situation, 
but a certain young lady in our
congregation who would call Pastor every now and then when she would lock her
keys inside her car. I won't mention any names but she does have Chinle, AZ roots.
That's all I'm gonna say.
(Hopefully she got the extra key and hid it like I told her to,
cause we ar waaay fa, fa.. ah... way now. That's Navajo English in case you're wondering)

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