Saturday 2 June 2012


JUNE 10, 2012

I googled festivals in Ecuador and counted the number in a year and came
up with twenty seven.  Imagine that many holidays where you have to work around
the schedule of Government, banks and business closings.

This has been a rather long weekend and I had to find out what
all the excitement was about.  Apparently the population grows a few thousand
during this celebration.

Officially, the celebrations began on Thursday. 
I don't know what else took place this weekend but I believe that this would represent most of what takes place in this particular city.   I read up a bit on other places in the country and they seem to incorporate much more of the indigenious rituals. 
We seem to be pretty tame here in comparison.
The festival of Corpus Christi or El Septenario is a festival of the Catholic church.  It begins with mountainous displays of sweet baked goods for sale around the El Centro square.

 A close up for Peep Lovers.  I know you are out there!

An event on this evening was the procession beginning at the cathederal.

After the procession,
fireworks are set off in different parts of the square sending people scurrying for safety. 
At the same time, paper globes are fired up to float up into the night sky. 

Construction of  the "castle" is begun during the day to be ready for  burning in the evening.

I thought they would just go up in flames, but it was fireworks display instead.

Each timed segment a little better than the one before it.
Wait for it.....

This too, sent some people running for safety.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

So, I know that I've been neglecting the blog for a bit,
but I thought if Erin is gonna take a break, then so can I! 
 Really though, we have been spending a good deal of our time looking for buildings to rent. 
Today someone called us and asked us to look at their building again. 
We will see how that goes.
In the meantime I will continue to share the sights of our beautiful city of Cuenca.
The park in El Centro is where folks go when they want to find
something to do with the day or just relax.
There are tour buses that come by every few hours or so and for five dollars it will
take you around for a three hour tour.., a three hour tour.....

In the evenings more of the little food stands come out all over the city
and are really the closest you will get to finding a drive up, that is if there
is not too much traffic and you are quick about it!
Here are some scenes from the park and city in general.
Did I mention it's a common place to take a nap?
Treats for sale on the Cathedral steps. 
These mounds of something are everywhere.  It looks like an ice cream cone,
but it's some kind of meringue.  We always buy from this lady.  She dresses them up delciously with coconut flakes and sprinkles.

Even if you're not hungry, the aroma of the meats and sausages over the hot coals will
draw you in.  For a dollar with corn on the cob. 

 A larger shot of the Cathedral steps.  The architecture is so beautiful.
If all the buildings were all restored it would truly be a wonder to walk through the streets.

            According to the tour bus guide, the structure below was designed by a German architect. One part was never completed.  I think it was one of the bell towers.  The bell was sent to Quito if I heard right.

This picture of the man below is one of my favorites. 
It is so Cuenca and reminds me of times long since past.
Cuencano Man.

If anyone is wondering whatever happened to Waldo, I can tell you that we found him. Can you?

Just in case you didn't, here he is.
Sorry, I just couldn't resist.  When we saw him that day, we both said 
Hey, there's Waldo!
And he was walking back and forth as if truly lost.

One of the many monuments.

Well, we went to the Mexican Resturant for Mother's Day. 
 the one I told you about,
Pronto Tacos
 that was advertising Mariachi's. 
 I was expecting five or six, 
with big somberos and guitars, trumpets and violins. 
It wasn't quite that way,
 but hey, the guy had a really good voice!

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