Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Time is flying by...

Excuse me,
....an earthquake has occurred. 
That is what I'm been hearing in the wee hours of the morning lately.

My husband has this nice little app on his phone and Ipad that informs him whenever an earthquake has occurred.  It doesn't sound like and alarm, it's just a small quiet voice that very politely interrupts to give you the news.  So,.. I hear that in the Aluetian Islands off of Alaska, in Indonesia and in Peru, they have experienced some sizable earthquakes.

That news and other news has prompted me to finally purchase this.  My newest acquisition. 
I've been eyeing this little number for about a year now, and it's been patiently waiting for me all this time.  With electronics sometimes there will only be one of a kind.  I found a station that plays one Spanish song and then one English song.

I never know what's happening in the world unless my internet is on so I wanted something live to listen to that doesn't depend on whether or not we have service.
I know that you are probably feeling very envious right now, but please try to control yourself.

August was a busy month.  The church in Indio California invested in our city and sent Pastor Amado and his wife Lucy to Cuenca. He preached revival services for us in Spanish and English.

 It was very nice for me of course, to have my sister Lucy here with me.  It really makes shopping more fun.  Shopping for things like this,....jewelry made from the Tagua nut seed.

It comes from the  palm known as Tagua Palm Tree, Ivory Nut Palm or Elephant Plant and produces what is known as  Vegetable Ivory.  It's texture is similar to elephant ivory.   There are seeds scattered all through this very large fruit.  I love the way it feels.

Here are some pictures of us up by Turi and on the way back to Guayaquil.

 Up on top of the clouds looking down the mountain.

 This time on our trip to Guayaquil we saw some new sights.  Mostly because we got lost and ended up in a different part of the city. 

Things like....
a very nice and I can almost be sure, exclusive golf course. 
The one in Cuenca requires $10,000. for membership at least that's what I have been told.

 An industrial park, a large prison, and lots of nice gated communities.

And last but not least......A drive-up McDonalds!
I think someone is in trouble again......
This time we took a different route back to Cuenca.  We traveled south, past the town of Machala
which is closer to the coast.  We drove past miles and miles of banana and cocoa fields.  Then we came to miles and miles of mountains.  For a while there we weren't sure we were on the right road.  It took considerably longer to get home, but was worth it.
We came across miles and miles of  what I thought was mining operations.  I was later informed that it is probably the process of underground utilities being installed.  Looks like it might be wise to learn Chinese!

Along the side of the road we kept seeing nuts laying about.  After some research, I discovered that the mystery nuts were cocoa beans drying in the sun.  


If you are squeamish about heights, close your eyes for this road!
No, no, I didn't mean the driver!!!!


I can't forget to mention that I found a little prize in Machala!  My son asked if we had any when he came to visit.  Well, what do you know, they do have it here (sometimes).

I can't figure out what this is.  A beehive maybe?  There sure are lot's of them attached to just about anything.  I didn't get too close to be safe.

We bought this bunch of bananas for $3.50 in Santa Isabela.  I was told when we got back home, that it was a good price.  We didn't really mean to buy the whole thing.  There was enough for the whole church.  These can be fried up or put in a shake or eaten just as is.  They are much larger and sweeter, kinda creamy like.

Two more pictures for my "Faces of Ecuador" collection.

This next picture is back home in my wonderful state of
New Mexico! 

It was so good to be able to spend time back home.  To my family that I left there, I love you.

It's time I better be going. 
Thank you for visiting!